15 Common Grammatical Errors That Drive You Completely Insane

    Your going to really be annoyed by all of these;

    1. The classic your/you're mistake.

    2. When subjects and verbs don't agree.

    3. Whenever someone splits infinitives.

    4. Failing to use the subjunctive.

    5. Trying to connect two sentences with a comma, AKA comma splicing.

    6. When someone puts punctuation outside of a quotation mark.

    7. Mixing up "who's" and "whose."

    8. Using "lay" when you really mean "lie," or vice versa.

    9. The "it's" versus "its" conundrum.

    10. When someone uses a double negative.

    11. Not knowing the difference between "who" and "whom."

    12. Saying "they" to refer to a singular object.

    13. Leaving participles dangling.

    14. When "less than" and "fewer than" are mixed up.

    15. Using "I" when you really mean "me."

    Good job, now you're grammar are perfect!