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Friendly Postman Films All The Dogs Along His Mail Route And Shows How He Deals With Them

Man's best friend — postal worker's worst nightmare?

Friendly Australian postman Cody Stavros vlogs about the many dogs he encounters along his route. Some are cute, some are menacing, but either way, he knows exactly how to deal with them.

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While lots of the dogs along Stavros’ route know and love him...

...that's not the case for all of them.

"This dog coming up is a real nasty piece of work, and would eat me the second he could get a chance," Stavros says. Luckily, he knows how to handle him.

Unfortunately, some dogs can't be tamed with treats.

But Stavros doesn't just give treats to the mean dogs to distract them from biting him. The nice ones, like Dixie over here, get treats just for being good.

"There ya go. Anyone who says posties don't like dogs, go fuck yourself."

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