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Can You Tell The Difference Between A Dog Toy And A Sex Toy?

It's harder than you think.

In case you weren't aware, dog toys and sex toys look exactly the same! Can you tell the difference between them? College Humor decided to put their employees to the test, so play along with them to see how well you know your toys.

Feel free to have a lifeline present, as CH employees had Godess Eos and Pam — a sex toy expert and dog toy expert, respectively — nearby, in case they got in a bind.

Ready? Here's the first item!

  1. Sex Toy or Dog Toy?

Next up: this thing!

  1. Sex Toy or Dog Toy?

Pam's not down.

Ready for round three?

  1. Sex Toy or Dog Toy?

Pam's down.

Now what about this black rubber thing?

  1. Sex Toy or Dog Toy?

Btw, you can get them engraved.


  1. Sex Toy or Dog Toy?

So much truth.

Check out the whole thing here:

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