Paid Post

13 Struggles Everyone With Student Loans Understands

*Sees phone call from college area code. Ignores it.*

1. Loan advisors calling you three times a day...

2. ...and calling you from an area code you don't recognize because they're being sneaky.

3. Doing the math to figure out just how much money you've paid in interest.

4. Getting denied from every single credit card company because of low credit.

5. Which makes sense, because occasionally you forget to pay your loans.

6. Thinking you have your sh*t together and then realizing that no, you have debt.

7. Having to remember to make multiple payments to multiple places.

8. And trying to remember all your account usernames and passwords when tax time rolls around.

9. Wanting to treat yourself, but then thinking you're irresponsible because that money should go to paying off your loans.

10. Getting on a scaled payment plan, and then SURPRISE! Getting the new, increased payment.

11. Getting a call from your school asking for money, but you're already giving them all of your money.

12. People saying your rent should be 30% of your salary, but your student loan payments should also be 30% of your salary, and you're trying to figure it all out.

13. Finally, realizing your student loans are like a chronic disease.

The girls from 2 Broke Girls get it. Tune in five nights a week starting September 21 to see them navigate the broke life.